Monday, October 02, 2006

Councillor Colbourne

Nick Colbourne, the Ruabon councillor, posted this on his blog on Sept 22:

Here's a copy of an email sent to me by the Chief Planning officer:

On the 19th September the Assembly (via a 'Motion of Opinion' put down by Janet Ryder AM) 'asked' the Minister for Planning to revoke the Hafod landfill permission. This motion has no status as such other than to raise the issue with the Minister.

Separately the Minister has been asked to revoke the permission by at least one AM/MP.

The officers at the Planning Division have indicated that the Minister will issue a press release to the Daily Post and/or Western Mail on this issue in the middle of next week. This press release will not issue a decision on the matter, or express an opinion on whether it should be revoked, but will explain the (rare) circumstances under which such action can be taken.

The Minister will take a decision on the matter probably some time in October, which is likely to be when our Modification Order is served on Mersey Waste Holdings. (This order is presently being prepared using specialist lawyers).

I have sent this to you in case you receive reports that the Assembly has 'decided' to revoke.

Regards, Lawrence
Lawrence Isted
Chief Planning Officer

A few questions arise:
• Why is Lawrence Isted, supposedly neutral, so eager to belittle the Statement of Opinion?
• Why is Carwyn Jones waiting until the Modification Order is served on Murky Waste?
• Indeed, who needs a Modification Order if the Assembly is going to revoke?
• How closely are the council and Assembly working to pull the wool over people's eyes?
• Why does this e-mail smell worse than the average landfill site?

Oh, and if anyone sees Nick Colbourne, can you tell him that the Hafod quarry is in his ward and he's welcome to come on the daily picket by the gate at any time. Unlike some councillors, who are listening to their constituents, Mr Colbourne seems to have decided that all is lost over the Hafod.


At Monday, October 02, 2006 10:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are they up to? Coedpoeth councillor Gareth Griffiths has also had a dig at the Statement of Opinion, asking Janet Ryder "where do we dump Wrexham's rubbish?"
Were they planning to dump it in Hafod? If so, I think we should be told.
More and more this looks like (pun alert) Labour trying to dig itself out of a big hole and throwing as much muck at the opposition as it can.

At Thursday, October 11, 2007 12:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people who run this site are bigots. They delete posts that disagree with their point of view.


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